These resources are Minnesota specific. For some programs we include a link to the national website.
Real McCoy (Closed)
Are you a MN McCoy? If you are you're eligible to become our MN Real McCoy! Fill out the application below to apply.
MN McCoy
MN McCoy's! We love the work you've done with raising money for MTM! If you're interested in staying connected with the Youth Committee check out the link below!
Youtube Channel
Missed a youth event? Check out sermons and event videos from past events on our YouTube.
Youth workers, here is a link to all of our graphics used on social media in case you want to post them on your youth accounts.
Start a P7
Click here for all information regarding P7. Our goal as a district is to reach 20 P7 clubs!
Also, youth pastors please reach out to your sectional director for any questions on how to help students start a P7.
Also, youth pastors please reach out to your sectional director for any questions on how to help students start a P7.
AYC Missions Trip Application and Scholarship
If you are interested in going on an AYC trip, click the link below.
Start a Campus Ministry
If you want to start a Campus Ministry click this link!